Super Concentrated
Non–Acid Restroom Cleaner is formulated to safely and effectively remove scum, alkali buildup, soap film and hard water. Use Non–Acid Restroom Cleaner on sinks, toilets, partitions, shower stalls, drinking fountains, tile and grouted floors.
Spray diluted product directly onto the surface to be cleaned. Allow time for the solution to work and then wipe clean with a towel or rinse with fresh water. Non–Acid Restroom Cleaner can also be mopped onto the floor to help break up hard water and build up around toilets.
Insert container into the Dilution Station. Screw the connection cap onto the bottle. If you are using the Locking boxes, lock the container into place by sliding the blue lock to the left. This locks in the container and connects it to the Dilution Station. The Dilution Station is set to properly dilute the concentrate with water.
To fill small containers by using the short hose on the right side of the Dilution Station, Insert the short tube into your container and push up on the container to activate or push up on the grey button on the face of the Dilution Station.
To fill a large container, use the long hose on the left side of the Dilution Station. Place the hose end in the container and push the button on the black gas pump style handle. (Hose does not automatically shut of when container is full).
This Product is designed to be used with a dispensing station. The product should be loaded into the dispensing station and locked into place. Using the dispensing station will ensure that the concentrate is diluted correctly at 64:1. One gallon of this product makes 64 gallons of ready to use product.
The grey dilution lock in the opening of the container should never be removed. If the dilution lock has been removed, the contents of the container and the container should be properly disposed.
Caution: This product is intended for Industrial and institutional use. Although this is a mild cleaning agent, It can cause irritation to eyes and skin. Avoid contact by wearing protective devises such as safety glasses and rubber gloves. If contact to eyes or skin, flush with water for 10–15 minutes. If irritation persists, seek medical attention.
Always read the Material Safety Data Sheet for additional precautions before using this product.